Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Those last three weeks at home in Helsinki

There were about 20 friends of mine, waiting for my arrival at one of my favourit restaurants, Elite in Helsinki. At least 10 more called me and did regret not to participate because of late evening in the middle of the working week. Anyhow it was a happy evening, which did continue in another bar with six of us until maybe 2am.
During the next days my cough got worse, and I finally did go to a doctor. Well, I had
Pneunomia without fever, but what was much worse, I had a very serious heart failure , it did work with only 50% efficiency, and I was immediately sent to the hospital.
They kept me in the hospital for eight days before letting me go back home. Now I am taking everything very easy, having daily a strong medicine program, diet and no beers no alcohol for next six months. Once in a week they will examine me to see the healing
progress. What a luck, that this everything was just found out when happily back home after a great tour. We'll see, those daily walks with my little dog Victor, a Bison Friche, will certainly help to recover. Nobody knows if totally. Anyhow my mood is fine and optimistic. That's life! I'll keep you informed.