Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Problems with credit cards and Christmas at Sibelius restaurant on Koh Samui, Thailand

I have had longer times all kind of problems with my credit cards. I can blame mostly myself but also the connections in ATM machines and even in banks but the card companies too. First mistakes I made already before leaving Finland last March. I had forgotten the Pin code of my MC card, and did not then apply for the new one. I have 2 DC cards and took one with me but wrong Pin code. In Bali I went swimming, forgetting that I had my Visa card in my pocket. That card did not function any more. The quality of my MC card had been quite bad and on X-mas Eve it finally broke totally and was useless. The ATM machines have been struggling with my Amex a lot if accepting it at all. Already in November I did ask for a new Visa card ,but until now I do not have it. Same thing with the Pin code for my MC. Now I of course need a new MC card too, but I do not expect to get it before back in Finland. My son is bringing the correct DC for excisting Pin code.and I'll get it in Hong Kong in ten days time.
My new Finnish friends here helped me a lot. Day before X-mas I was pennyless, and that day ATM did once again not accept my Amex. Marko 39, had heard about my problems
and came to me with 10,000 bahts (about 250 euros)saying you can pay this back whenever you can.He and his friend Teemu 31 did take care before that of my drinks on a fishing trip we went together. That was the most boring fishing I ever made but we three still had some fun.
The flat I have rented for three weeks upstairs of Sibelius restaurant is about 40m2 big and very good. When I asked the owner Erkki 51, if the payments (rent, food and drinks)can be done from Finland, he immediately answered ,"no problem, miesta on autettava maessa" this is, if a man needs help you have to support him.
We had an excellent Finnish Christmas Gala dinner, with all home made traditional delicaties, necessary raw materials imported from Finnland, and we all Finns, maybe 20 of us did agree that we couldn't have had it better back home.It was a very memorable Finnish Christmas with new friends far from home

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