Sunday, February 10, 2008

Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei, Borneo

It was a short flight to get there early yesterday morning. I was the only member of the group, and had a nice guide and car for myself alone all the day. I visited this world famous only less than 20 years old mosque, built by His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanai Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah, and the Royal Regalia. After prepaid very good lunch in one of the best hotels in town, The Orchid, we visited the interesting water village built on poles in the river hosting more than 35000 inhabitants.
The last but not the least impressive place was The Empire Hotel, some 18 km away from the town. Visitors from King of Sweden to many Hollywood celebrities have been the guests of that luxury hotel, a former palace.
Late in the evening I was back in Rumba my favorite place since Mexico. I got all necessary details of the band Fuego with Kolumbians Willman,Norella and Juan, Dana from Australia and Grace from Philippines.
Tonight I do not sleep, I soon hurry to the airport, and take an Air Asia flight to Penang leaving at 7am.

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