Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Goodbye Cartagena!

In a couple of hours I´ll be flying to Panama City for one night before leaving South America tomorrow morning via Newark and Copenhagen back home to Helsinki.
I always was very interested in Caribean pirates,privateers and buccaneers in 16th - 18th centuries.
Already in school at 16, I got the best number of the class, when translating a pirate story from English into Finnish. Normally I was not at all among the best.
I have by now visited all those important harbours from where the cargo of gold, silver and emeralds was transported by Spanish ships to Europe. Cartagena, Portobelo, Panama Viejo, Havanna and Nassau were those ports, only Port Royal, the real nest of the pirates in Jamaica, a Sodoma and Gomorra, I did not visit. The reason is, that it was totally destroyed by a strong earthquake in early 18th century, and was mostly sunken in the sea.
Yesterday I once more went to the historical part of the city, and at corner of a park an old nearly teethless man wanted to know my origin. After hearing Finlandia,
he happily said Suomi ( Finland in Finnish )and continued with Kotka, Turku and Helsinki, ports he had visited many times. He also added that he did work at famous Finnish passenger ship, the late Finnjet, which did sail between Finland and Germany. He only wanted to warn me of those Cuban Cohiba cigars, sold on the streets, that these are fake.
I then visited Hard Rock Cafe to say goodbye to my sweet little friend Lisseth.
She had bought a present for me, a nice souvenier to remember, her and Cartagena.
We were talking a lot again, I ate and had some drinks. When I was leaving I got a big warm hug from her.
I then decided to go to Cafe del Mar, which is a nice place on the city wall. There was a soft breeze, and in the darkness of the evening I enjoyed the sea on the other side and the Christmas lights of the city on the other. A young handsome couple wanted to take some photos, and I offered to take pictures of them together. They then asked me to join their company. He was Columbiano, Gerrardo 28, and she was French, Lucie 23. They did live in Paris together, but visiting his home country.
We had a good time together, more than two hours, before they got hungry. I adviced them to go to Hard Rocks Cafe, which they did not know. We departed, I then had a night cap at the terrace of my hotel before retireing.
So. this is my last message from South America at least this time. next time Ill be at home again.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Robinson Crusoe and seven Fridays on Isla del Encanto

Last Friday, early in the morning I left by speed boat with some 40 other passengers to a paradise island, Isla del Encanto, a bit more than a one hours ride by the boat
from Cartagena. It was a beautiful day, and the sea water was very warm. It really did not disturb me at all, that I became totally wet during the trip, because time to time the waves hit over the boat exactly there, where I was sitting.
We then came to an absolute paradise. There was really nothing else to do, than enjoy the sun and the sea or to sit in a beach bar in shade. Of course I did do all this. My accommondation did include three meals a day whenever I wanted.
In the afternoon all other 40 visitors did leave the island at 3.30pm, and suddenly
I was the only one left. There were naturally several people to serve me, maybe 7 or more but I had the whole long beach, all those fishing birds and later the beatiful sun set at excatly 6pm just for myself. Later at night the incredible tranquility and silence made a great impression to me. However I could not sleep, before I found probably a Cuban radio station, which played salsa 24 hours a day.
Next morning at 10.30am came a bigger group of day visitors about 80 people with two speed boats to leave the island at 3.30pm again. Later I noticed that one local couple had been left behind, but except at the dinner time and breakfast next morning I did not see them. So I could continue my life as Robinson Crusoe.
On Sunday afternoon I was back in Cartagena at 5pm, and decided to walk from harbour next from La Frigata Gloria to enjoy a Happy Hour at Hard Rock´s Cafe. My sweet friend Lisseth was there, and she was hugging me overwhelmingly happy , because she had been thinking that I left the town without saying goodbye to her. After long talks she had to work and then leave to University to study, but I promissed to come again on Tuesday on my last evening here.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

La Frigata Gloria, Cartagena etc.

I always like to visit big windjammers when possible, and I have seen many of famous still existing great sailing ships in different parts of the world. When I arrived in Cartagena I could see that in its naval base was school ship Gloria, but you could not get even near to it on closed area. However yesterday the ship had been removed to my big surprise in the city center, and was open to public. It did not take long before I did step on the deck of Gloria.
Before that I had been visiting the Naval Museo, where I could learn the whole bloody history of Cartagena. The city was attacked during centuries firstly by the pirate Sir Francis Drake year 1568, then by English and later by French navies in 17th and 18th century. Maybe I earlier gave wrong information about Henry Morgan, because his name was not mentioned there. The first defense walls were built in 1566, and San Felipe fortaleza in 1656.
The reason of those attacks was gold in the first hand. Cartagena was the main port in Americas from where Spanish ships collected gold from Peru, Bolivia and Colombia to ship to Europe. I also did visit the interesting Museo del Oro, the gold museum
some days ago.
After naval museum and before Gloria I stopped for a couple of cold beers at Bar de la Plaza, and got a warm hug from my young friend Vanessa.
I am very often during my trips looking DW-TV (Deutsche Welle), because it has a good program world wide and often some interesting reports from Finland too, and mainly positive ones. So yesterday there was a life story of 30 minutes about Mr.Martti Ahtisaari, year 2008 Nobel Peace Prize winner and former president of Finland. I was wondering during the program that how can Germans feel exactly same way about this man than we Finns are doing. At the end of that program the secret came out. The whole story was made by a Finnish team, and the writers were his good friends Jussi Lahde and Lasse Lehtinen.
Anyhow this was sent in three different times in German, in English and in Spanish

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Santa Marta, Colombia and some other things

When I was visiting San Felipe fortress, and after all climbing on the walls and in the tunnels , I was resting on a stone in nice breeze, not really exhausted but wet cause sweating heavily. It was 35C anyway. Suddenly a man came to me and wanted to talk, if possible. He was very sorry that his English was not very good, but he anyhow liked to proove to me or to his family that he can communicate in English. He had a wife and three children with him, and he introduced them all to me politely. The girl, maybe 11 years old could probably speak better English than her father. Anyhow they all seemed to be very happy, because I gave them my valuable time to talk with and allowed them to take photos together with me, them behind me around the stone.
At the same time a school class arrived, 20 -30 girls and boys, majority girls however. The teacher introduced himself, and told me that they all are his children.
I said to him that he must have been a very busy man. He could not stop laughing.
Meanwhile the girls, maybe 14-15 years old started to be around me and the other ones took photos asking first my permission of couse. The guys were not interested in whole performance. At last the teacher commanded them to enter their bus, and they left but one girl came to me and gave an orange. It was very tasty and sweet.
Later I found a Spanish restaurant El Burlador de Sevilla, where I did eat well before retairing.
Early yesterday morning I was on my way to Santa Marta, a famous city, where Simon Bolivar did die year 1830, towards to Venezuelan border, proximately 240 km away from Cartagena. I did visit the old cathedral during a mess, a beach restaurant and the house where General Bolivar spent his last days, before dying due tuberchulosis, malaria and other deseases with the age of 47.This place is in a huge beautiful garden and seems to be a sacred place for people from Colombia, Venezuela. Bolivia, Panama, Costa Rica and Peru at least, maybe I forgot somebody . For lizards too, because I saw a beutiful one of maybe 60cm long in the park.
On the way back in the mini bus next to the driver, I was thinking of that partly crazy traffic, when a few minutes later we passed a dead man on the street, his motorcycle further away.
Those things which bother me mostly here in Catagena are hundreds of street merchants
and beggars, who are almost cueing to get to you to make their very special promotion offers of watches, sun glasses, T-shirts etc. There really are not very many foreigners around, if not from neighborhood countries. Other tourists are from Bogota , Medellin or Cali. I saw one guy from Sweden and some Americans, thats all.

San Felipe fortress, Cartagena

Two days ago I visited this old Spanish fortress,San Felipe. It was the most magnificent one I remember to have seen anywhere in Central and South America. Probably the biggest the Spaniards ever did build. I have to study its history later.
There I met a nice couple, married just for one year, from Bogota. She, Angela 24, after hearing me to talk Spanish, came to me to say hello. She was gorgeous, absolutely beutifully voluptuos, but not like the sculpture made by Botero on Plaza Santo Domingo. I also mentioned this fact to her husband Franklin 26, if he maybe did not have noticed it earlier. They both did work in IT business, and did like to enjoy some beers with me too.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Carrtagena days

The life is really going smoothly. Cartagena is a friendly and pleasant place, even not very much happening around. Yesterday I just jumped into a city bus and drove around one hour before entering to the historical part of the city. There I soon found a nice street cafe at Plaza Santo Domingo, where the super sweet 19 years old camareras Liseth and Vanessa took very good care of me with good drinks and eexcellent pasta. I really enjoyed their company. We were talking mostly in Spanish, even their English was probably better they wanted to admit. They both were students, Liseth studying to be a heart surgeon and Vanessa studied hotel administration. Next week Liseth is moving to work at Hard Rock Cafe of Cartagena in the old part of the city too, and she insisted that I must visit her there. I promised to do it, and told her that if I had been 40 years younger I had proposed her, and she could have been my very private heart medico.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

La cucaracha, Cartagena, Colombia

After a hot night with Patricia our feelings did cool down, as we did found out on a sober day today, that her expectations with me were not realistic. On the other hand it was a hot day of 36 C. So, it was more than natural, that I was sitting in the street garden bar of my hotel with cold drinks, when I decided, its not not a fly who is walking along my leg upwards. Well, it was a mighty big cockroach, who wanted to get into my pants. We did disagree with that, and he had to look for somebody else.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Cali and Cartagena, Colombia

I stayed a couple of nights in Cali, probably the most dangerous and criminal city of Colombia. I found the place boring and quite ugly too, and was ready to leave after some 40 hours. The only interesting thing what happened to me in those two partly rainy days, was the body control of a heavily armed guardian or security, when entering a disco, which I did leave after a couple of cuba libres. Next morning Iflew to Cartagena.
Cartagena is something else. First the old part, the colonnial one is for sure the most beautiful old city I have seen in whole South or Central America. It has been finely restored, even once destroyed by Henry Morgan´s pirates. The new part of it is the touristic area, with its skyscraper hotels and beach. Here I found a small frienly hotel, Bocagrande, at a reasonable price of about USD 42, exatly 75,000.pesos including breakfast. The two first nights I had spent in a horrible tower but with nice views to the see, Hotel Costa del Sol, including all lousy three buffet meals for pesos 150,000.
The most fantastic thing what happened to me on this trip, was meetimg two
Colombian ladies in a cafe in the morning of my second day here. After some smiles they invaited me to their table, and it all begun. The other one had soon to go to work in the hotel opposite side of the street, while her beautiful friend Patricia 35, from Medellin as a tourist visiting her friend, had nothing special to do. We decided to go together to the old part of the city and, also to find a photo shop to buy a new camera for me. We bougbt the camera in a department store, and started to stroll on the busy streets of the old town like two lovers, stopping for could beers or drinks even now and then, and visiting also the nearby cathedral, no time for museums anyhow. After the dinner we retaired into my hotel room, and had a most wonderful night together before departing yesterday morning. In the evening I tried to call her but for some reason I could not get contact with her, and was practically very satisfied to relax well. But today is a new day, let´s see what happens.