Monday, December 1, 2008

Cali and Cartagena, Colombia

I stayed a couple of nights in Cali, probably the most dangerous and criminal city of Colombia. I found the place boring and quite ugly too, and was ready to leave after some 40 hours. The only interesting thing what happened to me in those two partly rainy days, was the body control of a heavily armed guardian or security, when entering a disco, which I did leave after a couple of cuba libres. Next morning Iflew to Cartagena.
Cartagena is something else. First the old part, the colonnial one is for sure the most beautiful old city I have seen in whole South or Central America. It has been finely restored, even once destroyed by Henry Morgan´s pirates. The new part of it is the touristic area, with its skyscraper hotels and beach. Here I found a small frienly hotel, Bocagrande, at a reasonable price of about USD 42, exatly 75,000.pesos including breakfast. The two first nights I had spent in a horrible tower but with nice views to the see, Hotel Costa del Sol, including all lousy three buffet meals for pesos 150,000.
The most fantastic thing what happened to me on this trip, was meetimg two
Colombian ladies in a cafe in the morning of my second day here. After some smiles they invaited me to their table, and it all begun. The other one had soon to go to work in the hotel opposite side of the street, while her beautiful friend Patricia 35, from Medellin as a tourist visiting her friend, had nothing special to do. We decided to go together to the old part of the city and, also to find a photo shop to buy a new camera for me. We bougbt the camera in a department store, and started to stroll on the busy streets of the old town like two lovers, stopping for could beers or drinks even now and then, and visiting also the nearby cathedral, no time for museums anyhow. After the dinner we retaired into my hotel room, and had a most wonderful night together before departing yesterday morning. In the evening I tried to call her but for some reason I could not get contact with her, and was practically very satisfied to relax well. But today is a new day, let´s see what happens.

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