Sunday, November 11, 2012

Comments of my last World Cruise

I have been too lazy or busy to write my opinions earlier. The length of the cruise was principally ok. However my first and last that long one. The best things were absolutely great sunny weather almost all 82 days and the marvellous Philippine waitresses onboard. We enjoyed many great harbours but we had to be mostly back onboard at 4-5 pm. Only in Hong Kong, Sydney and Cape Town we could enjoy the night life. The English Kitchen was not very much of my taste. I did not gain any kilos or pounds during this trip. Too late I found out that using Room Service Menu you got good food specially made for you. Most of the passengers were my age or even from the 30's. Among the Australians were the much younger ones but they participated on short legs only. Anyhow I met some very nice English people too, and was invited to private parties. A big disappointment was that we couln't go to Seychelles because of possible threat of terrorists and pirates. However I mostly was happy and in good mood during that cruise over the Sea of China, Pacific, Indian Ocean and Atlantic .

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