Wednesday, December 30, 2015

A triple birthday in Venice on Nov.24.-25.

My very good old friend for over 47 years Mr. Peter Gloystein arranged a triple birthday fest in beautiful and romantic Venice.  Mrs. Marita Vossmeyer , a Finnish/  German lady and me on 24th, and Peter on 25th. We had a great Dinner Party at Bauer Hotel, drinks at Harry's Bar and nicht caps until very early morning at the Hotel bar, opened late just for us. We were 62 persons, all ages from 13 countries, majority from Germany.  With Marita and Peter and their families I knew about 20 of guests  from the past, but got also many new friends, especially a German lady Mrs. Brigitte Schmid, with whom I spent a lot of time. I also was very delighted that my younger son Tomas could join the party. Peter took care of all the party costs, I wonder if he ever tells me the total amount.
On my birthday the weather was absolutely beautiful and sunny, and I enjoyed the traffic on Grand Canal sipping wine on a terrace before the party beginn. Lovely trip of 4 days, even with troubles to get back to Helsinki on 26th.  

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